Massage + Body

  • 1 hr $125 | 1.5 hrs $170

    This custom-tailored massage is a mixed plate of all of your favorite offerings all in one massage! Your therapist intuitively finds areas where your body needs relief, while incorporating elements of structural integration, trigger point therapy, thai/shiatsu, medi cupping (vacuum therapy), and breathwork. Your choice of aromatherapy essential oils thoughout your massage is the perfect way to support your wellbeing and healing.

    2 hr Massage $225

    This extended massage provides total restoration for the body while providing your therapist time to focus on specific areas that need more attention. This massage is perfect for athletes or those with past injuries who would like more care and support.

  • 1.5 hrs $170

    Relax and unwind with this ultimate relaxing massage. Warm volcanic basalt stones are rythmically smoothed on the body for deep relaxation and stress-relief. Benefits include pain relief, improved circulation, promotes better sleep and enhanced mental well-being.

  • 90 min $180

    Treat your body like a temple with this detoxifying and firming treatment, guaranteed to leave your body looking sleek and smooth. This treatment begins with dry body brushing to stimulate lymphatic drainage and detoxification. Your body will then be covered in a European inspired Espresso Limón Slimming Oil while incorporating detoxifying cupping techniques that will massage and tone the body. This luxurious treatment will keep your body looking slim and refreshed for the beach!

  • 1.5 hrs $170 | 1 hr $125

    This specialized massage is performed side-line as well as on the back with pregnancy pillows for total support of the body before baby. Your therapist incorporates stretching, and advanced massage techniques that help to improve circulation and increase mobility throughout the body. We use blend of botanical oils that are formulated specifically for pregnant and nursing moms. The hapai prenatal oils Aid in restoring vital nutrients while deeply nourish the delicate skin. Oshan Essentials body oil blend with shea butter soothes and uplifts your energy with a neroli, yuzu, and green mandarin.

  • 45 mins $85

    This specialized massage targets reflex points in the feet and legs that correlate with the rest of the body to aid in healing and restoration. Modalities include reflexology, structural integration and trigger point therapy with a focus on increasing healthy blood flow.

    Relief arnica cream and nourishing coconut milk help to support the healing process and nourishes the skin.

  • 45 mins $85

    This specialized massage helps to alleviate discomfort on areas of the face, neck and shoulders due to jaw clenching, or stress. Techniques include a combination of inner mouth work, trigger point therapy, cranial sacral holds, structural integration, and medi cupping (vacuum therapy) as needed. This hands on treatment aims in relieving tension headaches, as well and jaw and neck pain. Your choice of aromatherapy oil as well arnica relief cream are incorporated to aid in healing and wellbeing.